Herbal Tonics
It is seen that certain mother tinctures of homoeopathic medicines act better as organ herbal remedies than potentized form. Therefore we have preparations at our clinic of such herbal tonics which can be taken per mouth and can also be applied externally for following cases-
  • Herbal heart tonic : For people recovering from heart attacks, heart failures, heart weaknesses and when they are on beta blockers and diuretics (can be taken along with cardio protective allopathic medicines.
  • Herbal Appetizer: 2 or 3 drops two times a day can bring in appetite in a child in a day or two. In turns on appestat (in hypothalamus) that stimulates appetite.
  • Herbal tranquilizer: Given in drop doses which will take you off sedatives and tranquilizing drugs and will slowly decrease the need of allopathic tranquilizers.
  • Herbal Liver tonic : For weak Livers, Gallstones, Supportive tonic in liver diseases.
  • Herbal kidney tonic: Can reduce intensity and frequency of bed wetting in children and gradually stops it forever, also useful in frequent tract infections. Herbal liver tonics esp. for weak livers, low blood sugar levels can do a lot of work with liver problems.
  • Herbal hair tonic : prepared from mixture of certain herbal tonic which strengthen hair roots, reduce hair fall, stop premature growing of hair, reduces dandruff by counter acting dryness of scalp and induces sound sleep.
  • Nerve tonic : Students remedy, improves concentration before exams, prevents bad effects of over studying, release headaches
  • Anti-pimple skin smoother : Helps quickly heal capillary bleeding thus making skin free of acnes, pimples, black heads.
  • Skin Toner: It tones facial skin and muscles to help smooth away wrinkles, clean off the spot, blotches etc. Its regular use helps to lighten the sun burns and over exposed skin.
  • Anamay Travel Kit : This kit provides you a range of homoeopathic medicines for the health trouble you are likely to suffer from while on travel. It is a personalized kit and designed specially for each individual, after a detailed interview. An interview helps realize physician the troubles for which particular individual has got tendency and then the kit is designed with selected remedies for that particular person. Kit contains 10 to 12 remedy bottles.
  • Journey special : Considering changing life styles and the long way journeys, we have a range of medicines.
    • Medicine for jetlag : during long exhaustive air travel esp. for software professionals. When your biological clock is off and your time zone is on. Can be taken prophylactically.
    • Medicine for car sickness : Homoeopathic remedies before the car/ bus/ train travel starts and can make your journey comfortable by counter checking nausea and vomiting.
    • Sea sickness : While on a cruse journey, even during a pleasure trip, you can still add to your pleasure, by taking our medicines which will help you from getting sea sick (nausea, vomiting and giddiness)
    • For treks high altitudes : Homoeopathic medicines can be carried along with you when you are going for adventures treks. As oxygen percentage is lesser at such high places, our medicines help encourage oxygen uptake and usage.