Homoeopathic Treatment
  • Gall Stones: With the help of homoeopathic remedies our treatment helps reduce the tendency for reformation of gallstones. Use of herbal homoeo tinctures can relieve pains with h/o gall stones and helps prevent gall stones from coming back

  • Cataract: Can be corrected if treated in the initial stages but needs commitment of longer span of treatment 6 months to 10 years.

  • Anemia: Iron deficiency anemia - latest research is confirming that iron building up in babies causes neonatal jaundice, impotence and haemoptysis. Vitamins and iron supplements are behind 1/3 cases of constipation, morning sickness and indigestion. A lot of cases of morning sickness miraculously disappear if all vitamins are stopped. Our treatment for iron deficiency anemia is based upon the concept that mush of iron is stored in our body already and it is unlikely that any one is deficient. The deficiency is due to wrong or pathological assimilation and not a nutritional one. The idea about homoeopathic treatment is that they stimulate & regulate iron and mineral metabolism. Irrespective to whether iron is high or low, our remedies regulate it.

  • Frequent nasal bleeding : Can be instantaneously stopped with certain homoeopathic remedies and general remedies as backup treatment can be given for reducing the tendency for the same.

  • Heel pain flat foot: A lot of cases of heel pain are due to calcaneal spur. With the help of homoeopathic remedies and salts bony growths (spurs), cysts, deformities of the bones have been cured in several cases.

  • Hip bone problems and slip disks: Certain homoeopathic remedies have saved people from getting hip replacement operations. Evidences show that degenerative hip diseases can be relieved to certain extent with homoeopathic remedies. Remedies are even helpful after hip replacement operations to increase mobility and reduce pains in elderly people. Rupture and herniated disks can have relief of pain in almost all cases with homoeopathic medicine.

  • Repeated Urinary Tract Infection: Homoeopathic remedies not only reduce the symptoms of UTI but also prevent them from recurring. Excellent range of homoeopathic remedies for honeymoon cystitis which can reflex norflox. All sorts of bladder infections where pathological urine lab reports showing urine with RBCs, proteins have been reverted back to normal.

  • Prostatic Enlargement (benign): To save you from operative procedures, certain homoeopathic medicines and herbal tinctures have given us a proof that, with their use a lot many surgeries can be avoided in case of benign prostatic enlargement.

  • Post menopausal calcium deficiencies: Causing osteoporosis in women, can be treated with homoeopathic calcium remedies and salts if treatment is continuously taken for 6 or more than 6 months. This can surely replace H.R.T. (Hormone Replacement Therapy).

  • Birth marks, keloids, pimples and sun burns : Deep pigmentations- naevi have been tackled with homoeopathic medicines. Needs a prolonged treatment. With certain homoeopathic medicine, miraculous relief for all kinds of burns, including sun burns can be obtained.

  • Beginning of cataract: Cataract indicated calcium deposition at abnormal sites i.e. eye and can be corrected if treated in initial stages, but again you are looking at 6 months of treatment which causes 10% reduction and deposition.

  • Meniers disease: Internal ear disorder : Characterized by partial deafness, tinnitus and vertigo. Homoeopathic specifics not only reduce intensity of the attack but also the frequency and recurring tendency.

  • High uric acid levels (gout), also called uric acid diathesis : With the help of certain homoeopathic herbal tinctures, the uric acid levels in the blood can be brought down.